Self-Care in Grief


I understand that cooking is the last thing on your mind. Without good nutrition, it is nearly impossible to function on a day-to-day basis. You know you should eat but just don’t have the energy or will to cook. Juice Plus+ Complete is an easy meal replacement.
*Please note Juice Plus+ shakes come in 60 servings and are billed in 4 monthly installments.
**Please note Juice Plus+ capsules come in a 4-month supply and are billed in 4 monthly installments


Complete by Juice Plus+

Fuel your day with easy, on-the-go nutrition! Our shakes provide tasty, easy, added nutrition to make healthy living easier! Enjoyed as a snack, these shakes feature a balanced blend of protein, carbs, and fiber that everyone can enjoy every day – even kids.


Complete by Juice Plus+

More than just a protein shake! Made for active adults, this shake gives you protein to build your muscles, B vitamins to support your mental performance and energy production, beetroot and tart cherry to aid recovery, and vitamin D to support bone health.


Fruit, Vegetable & Berry Blend

This trio provides added nutrition from 30 different fruits., vegetables, and berries, PLUS other plant ingredients. It helps you increase your intake of vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients.  Discover ingredients from red and orange fruits like apples and oranges; green veggies like broccoli and kale: deep-blue and purple berries and grapes like blueberries and elderberries.


Fruit & Vegetable Blend

This duo provides added nutrition from 20 different fruits and vegetables, PLUS other plant ingredients. It helps you increase your intake of vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Discover ingredients from red and orange fruits like apples and oranges, and green veggies like broccoli and kale. 


Berry Blend

The Berry Blend contains added nutrition from 12 different plants. Discover ingredients from deep-blue and purple berries – like blueberries and elderberries – and grapes in our capsules.


Omega Blend

The Omega  Blend is a plant-based, full-spectrum blend of omega fatty acids, complete with omega=3, 5. 6, 7, and 9. Sourced from algae and plants – such as pomegranate seeds, sea buckthorn berries, raspberry seeds, tomato seeds, and safflower seeds – it’s an ocean-friendly alternative to fish oil capsules, plus there’s no fishy aftertaste!



Regular, whole-body exercise can have a profoundly positive impact on depression, anxiety, and grief. It also relieves stress, improves memory, helps you sleep better, and boosts your overall mood. It can help with weight management, improve your ability to focus and offer a sense of control. And you do not have to be a fitness fanatic to reap the benefits!

Just 10-20 minutes per day is all you need.


I know when something bad such as child loss happens, it is easy to go into a tailspin of negativity. Everything becomes a problem. Your attitude about life changes. You feel robbed of your joy, happiness, and future. This is a natural response to being angry. Adding some positivity through affirmations helps process your grief. Affirmations are said in the present tense. Saying them in the present tense works with the subconscious mind. When we solely rely on the conscious mind to make a change, it prevents us from moving forward. It is those inner thoughts that drive our decisions and changing those is a great place to start in our attitude about healing.


Write each affirmation on it’s own index card. Repeat to your self the affirmation for 20 seconds per card. Do this exercise 2-3 times per day.

Some sample phrases or affirmations are:

Feeling the Nature


I recognize you may be having difficulty breathing. Stress, anxiety, and loss cause breathing to become shallow quickened, and reduces oxygen flow. Lack of oxygen contributes to headaches, fatigue, and foggy thinking. It is important to remember to breathe. This is one of the techniques that work very well in grief. You focus on breathing in and breathing out.

Box Breathing Technique:

Think of your breathing pattern as a box. In the upper-left corner of your imaginary box draw a horizontal line to the right; this line represents your inhalation. Now draw a vertical line straight down; this represents your exha­lation. The third line goes horizontally to the left, representing your second inhalation. The next line is vertical (straight up), representing your second exhalation and connecting to the original starting point. You have now created a box pattern to complete your breathwork. Each side of your breathing box — inhalation and exhalation — is done to a count of four.

Follow These 4 Simple Steps To Complete 1 Round Of Box Breathing:

Think of your breathing pattern as a box. In the upper-left corner of your imaginary box draw a horizontal line to the right; this line represents your inhalation. Now draw a vertical line straight down; this represents your exha­lation. The third line goes horizontally to the left, representing your second inhalation. The next line is vertical (straight up), representing your second exhalation and connecting to the original starting point. You have now created a box pattern to complete your breathwork. Each side of your breathing box — inhalation and exhalation — is done to a count of four.

  1. Take a deep long breath in, count to four slowly while push­ing the fresh air deep down into your lungs so that your belly expands.
  2. As you exhale, empty your lungs and belly while counting to four.
  3. Take a deep, long breath in, count to four slowly while push­ing the fresh air deep down into your lungs so that your belly expands.
  4. As you exhale, empty your lungs and belly while counting to four.
Box Breathing Diagram

Complete five to ten rounds of box breathing to reduce your fear and anxiety. Breathing like this can slow down your heart rate, clear your thoughts, and take away your fear.

Sleep Hygiene

I know what it is like to struggle with sleep after child loss. It is one of the biggest things you have to deal with. It is no wonder, the desire to take care of yourself at night is gone. Improving your sleep hygiene is an important piece of self-care. So what is sleep hygiene? It is the art of preparing oneself to go to bed and sleep including washing one’s face, brushing one’s teeth, and donning sleepwear. In today’s tech filled world, it also includes removing technology from your bedroom. Instead of your bedroom being relaxing, the TV blares nightly news of tragedy and devastation.
Female Character

Cell phones emit blue lights that stimulate your brain rather than allowing it to relax. Social media is a black sinkhole that draws you in and won’t let you out. Add to this the fact you are already in a place of grief and unrest; it is no wonder you have difficulty sleeping. Brain fog, forgetfulness, and impaired judgment are all signs of sleep deprivation. You may also notice weight gain, poor digestion, and diminished motor skills. Serotonin, the sleep hormone, increases with the more sleep you get. Getting quality sleep is a major step in helping your body to heal. It is during sleep that your physical body heals, and your brain relaxes.

Follow these simple steps to improve your sleep hygiene:

Fresh Lime


I remember how difficult it can be to drink water in the days, weeks, and months following the loss. Dehydration is a special danger for bereaved parents because the shock of their losses often leaves them stunned, powerless to focus on their needs, and without the energy to carry out any plans. You may also experience a general lack of energy, loss of motivation, general aches and pains, or headaches.

Your body is 60 percent water, and your organs need water to function properly. Your heart and brain both are 73 percent water, your skin is 64 percent water, and your bones are 31 percent water.

During stress, you produce extra toxins that can stay in your system. The only way to get rid of them is to drink water. And I mean water. Coffee, tea, sodas, or alcohol do not replace water.

It is recommended to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water. For example if you are a 120-pound woman, then you need to drink at least sixty ounces of water. You will see your skin replenish, energy improve, and digestion start to move. Give your body the water it needs.

Use these simple tips to drink half your body weight in ounces of water:

Calculate Your Water-Drinking Goal


You should drink ...... of water per day



I see many people suppress their grief. This is a common coping mechanism. Most likely your grief has not only been in your mind but also in your spirit. Eventually it gets stuck in your body. Yoga uses movement, breath and sound to release pain and suffering and connect back to love.

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